This new vision statement was chosen because together as a church we bring the hope, promise, and life of Jesus.
Right now people are spiritually dry and thirsty. As humans we all need to know we belong, and there is hope in the future despite our past. We all need Jesus and the life that he brings. By bringing the life he has to offer this world to, we are not only reaching others, we are extending the gift of a full physical, abundant, and eternal life.
Right now people are spiritually dry and thirsty. As humans we all need to know we belong, and there is hope in the future despite our past. We all need Jesus and the life that he brings. By bringing the life he has to offer this world to, we are not only reaching others, we are extending the gift of a full physical, abundant, and eternal life.
Follow the mission that Jesus gives all believers –
to go and make disciples. (Matthew 28:19-20)
to go and make disciples. (Matthew 28:19-20)
We bring life.
Freshwater exists to REACH non-believing individuals, CONNECT them with other Christians, help them GROW in their faith, challenge the growing to SERVE others, and HONOR God with their lives.
Articulating our core values defines the culture of Freshwater church and establish guidelines for we individually and as a team behave and treat one another. Core values represent what’s most important to us and are the principles that we adhere to at Freshwater.
Jesus never required anyone to get their act together before accepting them. He loves us so much that he leads us into a better way of living.
Jesus lifted those around Him to new levels of faith, courage and purpose. That is why we endeavor to inspire others to fulfill their God-given potential.
Jesus speaks to current issues and events. We are committed to being relevant because the bible is always relevant.
Jesus loves people where they are. We love people because they matter to God and therefore matter to us.
Jesus personified generosity when He held nothing back. We serve and give generously bringing life to every community we are in.
Strategic goals are a bridge between our vision and day-to-day operations. By defining clear and achievable goals, we ensure that all stakeholders are working toward the same end and that resources are being used effectively to achieve our church goals.
We have three strategic goals to reach by 2030.
Church Life
- See 60% of average weekly attendance serving with a ministry.
- See 80% of average weekly attendance connected with others in a group.
- Worship with over 2,500 people online and in-person weekly.
Eternal Life
- See 1,000 people make the decision to follow Christ.
- Witness 500 people express their new life in Christ through baptism.
- Plant five new church communities that reach 1,000 people with the gospel.
Abundant Life
- Help lower the divorce rate by 5% community wide by helping couples have a healthy marriage. (compared to 2022 data).
- Empower people to reduce their debt and increase their financial generosity.
- Assist over 600 people struggling with hurts, habits, and hang-ups.
- See 20% of regular attenders participate on a missions trip.